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Writing means different things to me. I'm a storyteller, a book editor, and a songwriter. For me, it's like breathing.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Hyenas and Matriarchy and a pseudo-penis

I was going to post about matriarchy vs. patriarchy given all the things that have been happening in the U.S. concerning a woman's right to choose, and the chance we might have our first female president. However, I stumbled on spotted hyenas. I knew they were matriarchal, but I didn't know they have penises. Yes, the females have a penis, technically called a pseudo-penis. www.genderinclusivebiology.com

This article explains it better, but all female hyenas have functional penises they use to mount & give birth. Erect penises are a sign of submission in the matriarchal society of hyenas. The female hyena without the erect penis is the dominant leader of the entire pack.

I found this information fascinating. Is this an evolutionary device? There are two main theories about the evolution of the pseudo-penis: 

Control over mating: The pseudo-penis gives females more control over who they mate with.

Camouflage: The pseudo-penis may act as a masculine "camouflage" to deter aggression from other females, especially for female cubs at risk of infanticide.

Other than the female hyenas being badass, what does this say about them? Is this the right way to run a society? Males aren't treated very well in this matriarchal society, but in a patriarchal society, females aren't treated very well. There needs to be a balance. I believe this is the only way for a society to truly prosper.

Read about my badass females (without penises, lol).


Website: https://www.kelleyheckart.com/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/kelleyheckart


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Review of Roots and Rituals: Reclaiming Appalachian Wisdom Through Seasonal Practices #bookreviews

Buy Roots and Rituals on Amazon

A well-researched, comprehensive guide

This book is a comprehensive guide to Appalachian folklore and how it is linked to the seasons and nature. There are rituals for each season with complete instructions on how to achieve this connection to Earth’s cycles. It’s about finding balance and harmony.

I didn’t know much about Appalachian folklore until now. It combines Celtic traditions with Appalachian ones using rituals involving water, fire-gazing, the moon, and the sun. There are also lessons on crafting amulets, tea brewing, candle magic, meditation, and storytelling. I found the writing engaging, and I also enjoyed the enchanting illustrations throughout the book.

I learned about different herbs and their properties, how to gather them, store them, and use them in rituals.

I found this book fascinating, and while it focuses on Appalachian traditions, I feel the basic principles can be applied to any area. I’m inspired to better connect to my land and learn more about the rich Native American history where I live.

This passage from Roots and Rituals sums it all up: “This deep-rooted connection to the cycles of nature is the cornerstone of Appalachian magic, a practice that honors the rhythms of the Earth and aligns with them to bring balance, harmony, and meaning to life.”

I highly recommend this book for people interested in Appalachian folklore, rituals, and connecting with nature to help yourself find harmony in your everyday life.