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Writing means different things to me. I'm a storyteller, a book editor, and a songwriter. For me, it's like breathing.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Self-Hypnosis and Positive Affirmations: The Art of Self Therapy Book Review

5 Stars

Self-Hypnosis and Positive Affirmations: The Art of Self Therapy is unique because it combines the two therapies. This guide covers both physical and psychological illnesses in different chapters like quitting smoking, weight loss, stress, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, pain management, childbirth, insomnia, addictions, lack of confidence/low self-esteem, anger management, nail-biting, sports performance, motivation, and a host of common fears.

 What I really liked about this guide is that there are convenient self-hypnosis scripts for each treatment and a list of affirmations inserted at the end of each chapter.

I found the breathing exercises and affirmations most helpful. There is also a list of resources for further research at the end of the book. Highly recommended.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

New Release in epic fantasy


Amazon Paperback https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DSTYY9LM

ISBN: 9798339009474

Kindle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DSTFW3BQ

.99 for a limited time. Regular price is 3.99.

Unravel the threads of fate.

It is written in blood.

One of Her kind will betray Her.

In a world where mortals are at the whims of the capricious gods, a prophecy foretells treachery committed by one of their own, leading to the inevitable downfall of the once-mighty Titans. The Great Goddess Rhea, seeking retribution, dispatches Her vengeance goddess, Becuille, to the land of Hatti. She is charged with the daunting task of uncovering the origins of star metal, a substance fatal to the old gods, and finding the enigmatic Destroyer.

Disguised as a human slave in the royal palace, Becuille finds herself entwined with her master, Prince Callileon, plunging both into a treacherous world of power-hungry gods, formidable magic, and widespread betrayal. As tension mounts and loyalties are tested, Becuille faces an impossible choice between duty to her goddess and the stirrings of forbidden love for Callileon.

Warning: Of Gods and Vengeance is a Greek tragedy featuring star-crossed lovers set in an era where slavery and human and animal sacrifice were commonplace.


Dazed by the relentless, blinding sun, she stumbled and fell. Laughter erupted from the crowd. Becuille pulled herself up and brushed dirt from her knees as best she could with shackled wrists.

The slave trader cast her a lewd grin, raking his kohl-lined gaze over her body. He stroked her bare thigh. “She is a bit clumsy, but this maiden is skilled in the arts of love and augury. Her skin is on the fair side, but she is worth the high price I ask for her. She comes from the mysterious island in the Aegean called Crete. Just look at how flawless her skin is, and her ripe breasts are like succulent apples.”

People had exclaimed awe when he’d mentioned she was from Crete. He tugged her tunic down, revealing one of her breasts to the mostly male audience.

His skin smelled foul like rotten fish. She pulled her chin up, recoiling from his dirty touch.

For her ears only, he whispered as he covered her exposed breast, “I have to sell you to the palace as your mistress wished. They only want the best.”

Wincing at his terrible breath, she stood still and allowed him to play his part. This was a new experience for her and already she despised slave traders and how they treated their merchandise. This one had been overpaid for his services, but it was important that she be sold into the palace. She gave him a hard look, certain the greedy Egyptian had raised the price for her to make himself even richer in silver shekels.

“Do not let her shyness fool you. Though her maidenhead is ruined, she has more important skills, and she is still young and nubile.” He leered at her, and she suppressed the urge to strike him.She is truly a rare gem in the bedchamber, and she is an augur who can speak many languages. Her talents do not end there for she has the singing voice of a goddess, most enchanting. Thirty shekels and she is yours.”

The slave trader moved on to another of his prized slaves, a young Nubian man with skin as black as a moonless night. Selling his wares, the Egyptian continued addressing the crowd in the blistering heat.

Becuille turned her attention to a tall young man wearing a clean white, gold-trimmed tunic who watched her with intense blue eyes. His combed hair gleamed like shimmering wheat in the blazing sun. He wore a barbaric close-cropped beard and mustache, but his facial hair gave him a masculinity that strangely intrigued her. Royalty swirled around him like the brightly colored feathers of a cuckoo. He stood much taller than the men she was accustomed to on the island, and with his golden hair, muscular arms and thighs, he resembled an invincible sun god.

So, this is the land of the Hatti, brutal invaders of the lands of the Great Goddess. Hmm. This tall man did not seem brutal. She returned his penetrating stare, forgetting that a slave should always keep her gaze lowered in submission.

“Do my eyes deceive me or do I see a striking maiden with the untamed spirit of a spring mare?” He spoke in the strange Egyptian tongue. Grasping her chained hands, he forced her closer to him.

His sheathed sword brushed against her thigh, causing a curious quiver in her lower regions. If she could break her shackles, she would have pulled away from him. The feelings he roused frightened her. Were unbridled emotions always present inside mortals? She felt a sudden twinge of pity for them.

He continued to look intently at her, compressing his mouth, as if awaiting her response.

She realized he was testing her. “Your eyes do not deceive you. This spring mare will not be so easy to tame,” she whispered, answering him in the Egyptian tongue.

He stood so close to her she could smell his manly perfume of wood smoke, leather, and spices. She caught a whiff of sandalwood, which further aroused her. Biting her lower lip to quell her unwanted emotions, she reminded herself why she came here as a slave to this sweltering land.

His eyes burned into hers, glinting with arrogance. “Hmm, we shall see about that.”

“I am a freeborn woman, lord,” she said, unable to hide her sneer.

Her anger rose unchecked, and she forgot her place here as a humble slave. His insolent nature intensified her ire as well as her lust.

“These chains indicate otherwise.” He stepped back, his chin and shoulders lifted in a show of superiority. “I will take this one,” he said to the slave trader, speaking again in his own language and handing him a bulging, jingling bag.

The Egyptian untied the leather bag and inspected the silver shekels.

“After a long bath, she will be presentable to the House of Suppiluliuma,” the golden-haired man said.

Seething inside, Becuille tried to ignore his insolent comment, keeping her eyes lowered and away from his penetrating, and she was certain, mocking gaze. Was he still testing her? Did he want her to forget she was a slave and lash out at him? His peculiar behavior puzzled her. She kept her gaze lowered, hoping he would be her first connection to finding Celmis. So far the plan was working. She was on her way to the royal palace. A small triumph on this frustrating day.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Hyenas and Matriarchy and a pseudo-penis

I was going to post about matriarchy vs. patriarchy given all the things that have been happening in the U.S. concerning a woman's right to choose, and the chance we might have our first female president. However, I stumbled on spotted hyenas. I knew they were matriarchal, but I didn't know they have penises. Yes, the females have a penis, technically called a pseudo-penis. www.genderinclusivebiology.com

This article explains it better, but all female hyenas have functional penises they use to mount & give birth. Erect penises are a sign of submission in the matriarchal society of hyenas. The female hyena without the erect penis is the dominant leader of the entire pack.

I found this information fascinating. Is this an evolutionary device? There are two main theories about the evolution of the pseudo-penis: 

Control over mating: The pseudo-penis gives females more control over who they mate with.

Camouflage: The pseudo-penis may act as a masculine "camouflage" to deter aggression from other females, especially for female cubs at risk of infanticide.

Other than the female hyenas being badass, what does this say about them? Is this the right way to run a society? Males aren't treated very well in this matriarchal society, but in a patriarchal society, females aren't treated very well. There needs to be a balance. I believe this is the only way for a society to truly prosper.

Read about my badass females (without penises, lol).


Website: https://www.kelleyheckart.com/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/kelleyheckart


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Review of Roots and Rituals: Reclaiming Appalachian Wisdom Through Seasonal Practices #bookreviews

Buy Roots and Rituals on Amazon

A well-researched, comprehensive guide

This book is a comprehensive guide to Appalachian folklore and how it is linked to the seasons and nature. There are rituals for each season with complete instructions on how to achieve this connection to Earth’s cycles. It’s about finding balance and harmony.

I didn’t know much about Appalachian folklore until now. It combines Celtic traditions with Appalachian ones using rituals involving water, fire-gazing, the moon, and the sun. There are also lessons on crafting amulets, tea brewing, candle magic, meditation, and storytelling. I found the writing engaging, and I also enjoyed the enchanting illustrations throughout the book.

I learned about different herbs and their properties, how to gather them, store them, and use them in rituals.

I found this book fascinating, and while it focuses on Appalachian traditions, I feel the basic principles can be applied to any area. I’m inspired to better connect to my land and learn more about the rich Native American history where I live.

This passage from Roots and Rituals sums it all up: “This deep-rooted connection to the cycles of nature is the cornerstone of Appalachian magic, a practice that honors the rhythms of the Earth and aligns with them to bring balance, harmony, and meaning to life.”

I highly recommend this book for people interested in Appalachian folklore, rituals, and connecting with nature to help yourself find harmony in your everyday life.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Poor Things, a movie review

We just streamed Poor Things last night, and it was one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. It was also one of the most fascinating movies I've ever seen. It's based on a novel, and I would classify it as a mix of fantasy and steampunk.

The film was visually stunning, with odd architecture design and cinematography utilizing vivid color and black and white and different lenses like a fisheye lense for a couple of scenes.

The main character is Bella, a woman brought back from the dead by an unorthodox doctor. We get to watch her evolve from a newborn into an amazing, unique female. Men want to possess her for her untamed, wild-child personality. She is passionate and unbridled. She doesn't want to be controlled and confined by a man, and we get to see how she deals with this issue.

There are many themes from this movie, but I think a main one is that we could all benefit from never losing our curiosity about the world around us and to stop being bound by societal norms.

The actors' performances were top-notch, and I'm not surprised Emma Stone won an Academy Award for her role in this movie.

I highly recommend Poor Things if you are looking for something weirdly fascinating.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Book Review--Understanding and Managing Depression and Stress by Josephine Spire


Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-managing-depression-Stress-Josephine-ebook/dp/B06XRJB9C4/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.k7ko5BX2bf_QHyAOXwkyJJzR1uRRMh2ej3da-1V2Txve10uDHFptDqdJF1hijQo4kqmBAaL20gx8z_KhVmo3_JEqKOVgbst7_YHDb5XmqUk.-n4L5qlbbj3GeqoD1P0razPxVuufqqJ7U3_Uj4UFZKw&dib_tag=se&qid=1712249711&refinements=p_27%3AJosephine+Spire&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Josephine+Spire

5 stars

A helpful, comprehensive guide

I was looking forward to reading this book because I have had bouts of stress. Who isn’t stressed out in this crazy world we live in?

The author starts off by explaining different types of depression and stress, causes of depression and stress, how these affect our bodies, followed by techniques for coping with these mental health problems. She also outlines treatments like medication, seeing a therapist, and other options like alternative therapies. It’s important to note that severe depression should be treated by a licensed professional.

What I found interesting is how much a healthy diet plays an important part in our mental well-being. I didn’t connect these before now.

There were many useful techniques like self-hypnosis and relaxation for coping on a daily basis. I found these useful for my own stress. Mindfulness was also something I’d heard about, but I never fully understood it until now.

Overall, this is a complete guide to recognizing depression and stress and then seeking the help you need. There are also some helpful resources listed at the end of this book. Highly recommended.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Of Ravens and Wolves: new historical fantasy romance release #99cents


Buy now on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW19RCPH

Also in KU and Print

Magic demands its price.

In the sequel to Of Water and Dragons, Nemu and Ambiorix must fight to survive in the wild lands of the Caitt in northern Caledonia where they have sought refuge after Ambiorix’s desertion from the Roman army. Another more sinister danger also stalks them, a result of Nemu’s dark magic. Their idyllic world is about to be shattered, and their relationship tested.



Crows flew into the air from a nearby tree in a sudden rush of fluttering black wings.

Ambiorix froze. His soldier instinct warned him that something or someone had startled them. He picked up the sword that he always kept near him from the flat rock and turned around, gripping the smooth ivory handle with the confidence of a seasoned warrior.

Eerie silence descended on the forest. The day had been dark and gray, the clouds heavy with winter rain or snow. As night closed in, the shadows deepened, crawling like creeping black vines across the forest floor. He saw nothing unusual and hurried back toward the cave to make sure Nemu was safe.



“Heckart’s work offers beautiful poetic descriptions rich in detail. Reading this book is a sensual pleasure. It is especially a joy to read about the idyllic agrarian lifestyle and the sense of people’s connection to the land, to the tribe, and to the spirit world. The richness of detail in descriptions create a powerful aura that positively fills this world.”

Reviewed by Snapdragon at the Long and the Short of It
