This time of year always has me reflecting on life. Maybe it’s
the dark half of the year and the shorter days that send my thoughts into deeper
places than usual. I’ve been thinking about what it means to be human and
mortal. Something that we will probably never truly understand. Here are some
things to ponder:
It’s the thought of our fragile mortality that drives us to
hurry and get something accomplished before it’s too late. If we were immortal
and had all the time in the world, then we wouldn’t be motivated to do
anything. What’s the hurry to do something great if you have forever to do it?
The greatest invention wouldn’t have been created by
immortal men.
We think death is a punishment for being human, but maybe it’s
what makes us truly human.
It tests us.
It dares us…
To feel what we normally wouldn’t. Like passion,
inspiration, and motivation. If we didn’t have that feeling of getting old and
dying, would we have the urgency to fall in love?
Without death looming, we would be nothing but unfeeling
shells. And that’s no way to live. Is it?
Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth, magic
& romance.