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Writing means different things to me. I'm a storyteller, a book editor, and a songwriter. For me, it's like breathing.
Showing posts with label syfy series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syfy series. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2015

Favorite Friday: Sharing a favorite new TV series

Favorite new TV Show: 12 Monkeys

Series description: 27 years after a virus wipes out most of humanity, scientists send a man (James Cole) back to 2015 to stop the plague from ever happening. Cole's only lead is a virologist (Dr. Cassandra Railly), who knows the dangerous source of the outbreak.

I loved the movie version with Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt and Madeline Stowe, so I was curious how the SyFy series would handle this story. So far I like what they are doing with it. Time travel opens up a lot of possibilities for storylines.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author







Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Musings: Overview of Spartacus—Character studies

I just finished watching the final Spartacus series. One thing that struck me was how many coldhearted characters were on each side, but I think the Romans scored more in this department, starting with the House of Batiatus and ending with Marcus Crassus.

If only Spartacus had been able to forgive for what happened to his wife then maybe he could have escaped and lived out his life. I have to wonder if this lack of forgiveness has something to do with serving gods that don’t preach forgiveness. But despite this, Spartacus, a slave and a murderer, ended up having the kindest heart in my opinion. He gave his life so that other slaves could escape to freedom.

I was surprised that the two remaining warriors from Spartacus’s army were the two gay lovers. But after thinking it over, I realized their love was the truest of them all. Spartacus couldn’t find love after losing his first wife; Gannicus couldn’t find peace after losing Melita who really belonged to his best friend; Crixus couldn’t be satisfied unless he was avenging what happened to his love and she(Naevia) couldn’t rest until all the Romans were dead.

The one that bothered me the most was the coldhearted Marcus Crassus and the way he treated his slave, a slave I thought he loved but then realized she was only a possession to him. But to crucify her—that beat all the rest. Even though she did join the rebellion for a time, it was for a good reason. And yeah, she killed his son, but his son brutally raped her. He couldn’t forgive her? No. He could only see in black and white.

With so much treachery going on, it’s hard to find a kind-hearted character in this bunch. Even the ones who started out as innocent ended up with ice around their hearts. And despite all of this, I couldn’t hate any of these characters because they were so complex in their cruelty. We should hate them but instead we are drawn to them and even feel sorry for them in a way. That’s great writing.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, July 25, 2014

Favorite Friday

Favorite TV show


I wasn’t sure about this show at first, but I watched it and was drawn into the story of a post-apocalyptic earth and different alien races living alongside humans. What I like about this show is that instead of taking place during an alien invasion, it takes place after an alien invasion that almost destroyed earth, and we get to see how all of the different races try to come together and rebuild society. I see parallels between our world today and a world where aliens replace different races. There is racism and differing religious beliefs that cause conflict in the new mixed society.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, July 11, 2014

Favorite Friday

Favorite TV show


I just watched the pilot for this new SyFy series. It’s based on the movie Legion about the archangel Michael siding with the humans in a war against the angels. In the movie, he protects a young pregnant woman who carries the savior who will end the war. The series picks up 25 years later when the “savior” is all grown up and just discovers what he is. The war between humans and angels has been on hold. Factions run the country. This is a dark series and not for those who believe angels exist to help us. In Dominion, angels, all but Michael, hate humans and want to destroy us. I like it. Maybe because I tend to like dark tales and don’t believe angels are nice with halos and white wings. SyFy has also turned up the heat lately. There were a few partial nudity scenes in the pilot. I can live with that. Recommended to fans of dark angel stories with angel orgies (yes, this is true) and post-apocalyptic worlds.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, June 06, 2014

Favorite Friday

Favorite TV Show


One of my favorite TV shows is Continuum on SyFy. This is a time travel show where in the grim future corporations are so powerful, they are the government, turning people into slaves. Sound like a familiar, possible scenario? I love how this show takes on some real serious topics like terrorism. I think Continuum is a cautionary tale of what our future might look like if corporations continue to grow more powerful. It’s hard to tell the bad guys from the good guys in the show because I find myself rooting for the supposed bad guys.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, April 18, 2014

Favorite Friday

I’m sharing a favorite TV show today.

Bitten on the SyFy Channel

I look forward to this show each week. Based on a novel series, this paranormal romance show is fun to watch. I like Elena—the main female character and only werewolf among a bunch of males. How fun is that? And boy, some of these male werewolves hot, especially Clay. The only thing that bugs me about this series is Elena is the only female werewolf because supposedly females are too weak to survive the transformation process. WTF? Females are too weak? Females were created to survive the terrible pain of childbirth. I’d like to see any male survive birthing a baby. The premise about females being too weak to survive is stupid, but the idea of female werewolves being rare makes for some good conflict.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, March 21, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite new shows is Helix on SyFy. Set in a research building the Arctic (I think or one of those barren, show-covered places), this show has a stark appearance, which adds to the frightening nature of the story. The music soundtrack choices also add to this atmosphere—songs like Fever and other music that I think of as elevator music are played in just the right, odd places, so that a sexy lighthearted song is played during a terrifying or serious scene. Experiments with viruses have been going on in secret and something has gone wrong so the CDC has to be called in to help find a cure. But what is more frightening than the virus is the people in charge of the experiments. They want to change the world and there is something odd about them—are they aliens or some superior race? A lot of secrets and interesting characters make this a show I look forward to each week so I hope it lasts.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, July 01, 2011

Long Hair Hottie for July!

This talented Chilean actor, Santiago Cabrera, trained at London's prestigious Drama Center. He had small roles in British television series. His breakthrough role was in the widely popular US show Heroes. I noticed him when he was cast as Lancelot in the popular SyFy series Merlin. This six-foot hunk is hot with or without long hair, but of course I prefer him with longer hair. And he plays a very fine Lancelot, looking awesome wielding a long sword.
Kelley Heckart
'Timeless tales of romance, conflict & magic'