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Writing means different things to me. I'm a storyteller, a book editor, and a songwriter. For me, it's like breathing.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Monday Musings: There is life in the desert

Most people think the desert is barren and devoid of any life. I thought that was true until I moved to the desert. The abundance of plant and animal life here astounded me. All you have to do is open your eyes and ears to experience it.

Most mornings I awaken to the odd, rhythmic sound of a quail calling to his family or the shrill calls of the very vocal grackle. I watch humming birds buzz around my feeder, listen to mourning doves cooing. I see rabbits, lizards, roadrunners, owls, bats, even snakes. Mocking birds often fill the air with their “mocking” cries.

We just moved to a house that backs up to a wash and it is full of life. Dozens of chipmunks live in burrows along the wash. They socialize with their neighbors, the rabbits and birds. When a chipmunk senses danger, it sends out a loud trilling noise to warn the other chipmunks.

On quiet nights, the chilling howls from coyotes ring out. When I hear that sound, my skin prickles because it signifies they have caught something.

We don’t have thick, luscious green pine trees here, but there are numerous plants and trees that flourish without the need for much water. My favorite is the palo verde tree. In the spring, its green branches sprout yellow flowers. Its pods also provide food for the various animals.

Many types of cactus grow here in the desert. In spring, beautiful flowers bloom among the sharp, menacing spines. Cactus wrens build their nests in the cactus, probably for protection from predators.

Life is everywhere here. On the stark surface, beneath a sweltering sun, it can be deceiving. But in the early hours of the morning and just before sunset, the animals come out to gather food, rabbits and chipmunks scurry from bush to bush, and the birds fill the air with their excited chatter. It’s so serene and beautiful here in the desert I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Beauty may be the real beast.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun,  da·go \ˈdā-(ˌ)gō\
Popularity: Bottom 30% of words
Definition of dago
plural dagos or dagoes
usually offensive
:  a person of Italian or Spanish birth or descent
See dago defined for English-language learners
Origin of dago
alteration of earlier diego, from Diego, a common Spanish given name

First Known Use: 1832

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Beauty may be the real beast.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

adjective \ˈdaft also ˈdäft\
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Simple Definition of daft
: strange often in a way that is funny
: crazy or foolish
Full Definition of daft
a :  silly, foolish
b :  mad, insane
Scottish :  frivolously merry
daftly adverb
daftness play \ˈdaf(t)-nəs\ noun
Origin of daft
Middle English dafte gentle, stupid; akin to Old English gedæfte mild, gentle, Middle English defte deft, Old Church Slavic podobati to be fitting

First Known Use: 14th century

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

Popularity: Bottom 30% of words
Definition of daemon

variant of demon

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun,  da·do \ˈdā-(ˌ)dō\
Popularity: Bottom 30% of words
Definition of dado
plural dadoes
a :  the part of a pedestal of a column above the base
b :  the lower part of an interior wall when specially decorated or faced; also :  the decoration adorning this part of a wall
:  a rectangular groove cut to make a joint in woodworking; specifically :  one cut across the grain

Illustration of dado

Origin of dado
Italian, die, plinth

First Known Use: 1664
2 dado
verb,  da·do
Definition of dado
Dadoed dadoing
transitive verb
:  to provide with a dado
a :  to set into a groove
b :  to cut a dado in (as a plank)


First Known Use of dado

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun  dab·chick \ˈdab-ˌchik\
Popularity: Bottom 20% of words
Definition of dabchick
:  any of several small grebes

Origin of dabchick
probably irregular from obsolete English dop to dive + English chick

First Known Use: circa 1550

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun  ca·val·la  \kə-ˈva-lə\
Definition of cavalla
Popularity: Bottom 10% of words
plural ca·val·la or ca·val·las
also ca·val·ly
\-ˈva-lē\ :  any of various carangid fishes
:  king mackerel

Origin of cavalla

Spanish caballa, a fish, from Late Latin, mare, feminine of Latin caballus First Known Use: 1624

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun  cav·al·cade  \ˌka-vəl-ˈkād, ˈka-vəl-ˌ\
Simple Definition of cavalcade
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
: a line of riders, vehicles, etc., moving along in the same direction
: a series of related things

Full Definition of cavalcade
a :  a procession of riders or carriages
b :  a procession of vehicles or ships
:  a dramatic sequence or procession :  series

Examples of cavalcade
The cavalcade arrived at the hotel.
a cavalcade of antique cars
a cavalcade of natural disasters

Origin of cavalcade
French, ride on horseback, from Old Italian cavalcata, from cavalcare to go on horseback, from Late Latin caballicare, from Latin caballus horse; akin to Greek kaballeion horse, Middle Irish capall workhorse

First Known Use: 1644

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Story, My Way ~ An Indie Adventure: Take Five With Author Kelley Heckart

My Story, My Way ~ An Indie Adventure: Take Five With Author Kelley Heckart:   Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Kelley Heckart. And be still my heart, she follows a passion of mine...read the fir...

Weird Word Wednesday

adverb  cau·dad  \ˈkȯ-ˌdad\
Definition of caudad
Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
:  toward the tail or posterior end

Origin of caudad
Latin cauda

First Known Use: 1888

Beauty may be the real beast.

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Weird Word Wednesday

noun  ca·tab·o·lism  \kə-ˈta-bə-ˌli-zəm\
Definition of catabolism
Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
:  degradative metabolism involving the release of energy and resulting in the breakdown of complex materials (as proteins or lipids) within the organism — compare anabolism
cat·a·bol·ic play \ˌka-tə-ˈbä-lik\ adjective
cat·a·bol·i·cal·ly play \-li-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Origin of catabolism
Greek katabolē throwing down, from kataballein to throw down, from kata- + ballein to throw — more at devil

First Known Use: 1876

Kelley Heckart
Otherworldly tales steeped in myth & magic.