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Writing means different things to me. I'm a storyteller, a book editor, and a songwriter. For me, it's like breathing.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Book Spotlight: Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2) by Beth Barany, Fantasy/Adventure

I welcome award-winning YA Fantasy author Beth Barany to my blog today. The 2nd book in her Five Kingdom series is full of adventure and features a strong heroine--an awesome combination. Beth is giving away 2 signed copies of Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2) so don't forget to enter below.

Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2)
· Print Length: 300 pages
· Publisher and date published: Firewolf Books, Jan. 31, 2014
· ASIN: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I54CZII
· Genre: young adult fantasy/epic fantasy
· Format: Digital and print
About the Book
A new story of young adult epic fantasy adventure by award-winning author, Beth Barany.
Book 2 in the Five Kingdom series of the continuing adventures of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer.
What if everyone you loved was threatened by a force you couldn't see or fight?
Henrietta the legendary dragon slayer wants to return to her village for a heroes’ welcome. But an unknown sorcerer rides after her and her Dragon Stone and aims to destroy everyone she cares about. Can she claim her newfound powers sparked by the Dragon Stone and keep her loved ones safe, or will the sorcerer destroy everyone and everything she loves?
Excerpt of Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2 of the Five Kingdom series)
chapter one: in his grasp
The Dracontias, dra-con-ti-as, emphasis on the second syllable, is the most powerful gem in all the Five Kingdoms, and more powerful than all the other so-called Kingdom Stones. This one and only Dragon Stone unifies the kingdoms and empowers its user. But beware its one fatal flaw.
—from the Fire Wizards Compendium
Early Winter New Moon (Mitte Moon), Oro Islands, One of the Five Kingdoms
King Singfan sucked in a breath, stretched the crossbow, and held it steady, tracking the beast.
Time was of the essence. If he didn’t kill this dragon and obtain the Dragon Stone on the great dragon’s forehead, he’d have to start all over again. Unthinkable. Impossible.
He had to renew this king’s body during this night, while the stars were aligned just so, and the moon hung below the horizon.
The girl Dragon Slayer, that Henrietta, was performing exactly as he’d expected. She’d taken the proffered reward and given him the secret dragon lore, confirming what he needed to know. She crouched nearby, ready to do his bidding.
King Singfan breathed out, steadying his aim, and smiled.
Inside of him, Bjirn Eyvindir smiled, too, at Singfan’s glee. Hidden to everyone, Eyvindir had occupied the body of King Singfan for seventy-five years, a long king’s rule—longer than anyone on the Oro Islands could remember. If they did remember the length of King Singfan’s reign, Eyvindir by King Singfan’s hand had made sure they didn’t remember for long, and didn’t remember anything ever again.
King Singfan had given him free reign to run his magic through the man and control his every move. The man was his best and most perfect servant. Eyvindir wasn’t going to end the arrangement anytime soon. He’d planned this renewal too long for the moment to go awry.
The dragon hovered above the enormous cave floor about to settle, its scales flickering and iridescent in the torchlight. King Singfan held his breath, steadying his strong stance and perfect aim. He readied the powerful crossbow.
Before he could loose the arrow, Henrietta yelled “You can’t!” and shoved him to the hard-packed ground.
The dragon slayer pinned his arms against his torso with her legs, heavy on his chest. He struggled beneath her weight.
“How dare you!” he snarled. “We had an agreement.”
How had she slipped past his guard?
With every second that ticked by, he felt his power draining from him like water down the drain, no doubt shifting his appearance. But his voice held strong and loud. He gathered courage in that. There was still time to kill the dragon and obtain the Dragon Stone.
“I can’t let you!” she shouted, glaring down at him.
About Beth Barany:
Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance and adventure to transport readers to new worlds where anything is possible.
Book 1: Henrietta The Dragon Slayer was the 2012 Grand Prize winner at the California Fiction Writers Book Contest and the 2011 Finalist at the Hollywood Book Festival.

Reader reviews of the award-winning young adult fantasy, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, Book 1 in the Five Kingdoms series
As far as young adult fantasies go, Henrietta, The Dragon Slayer is a good read that I think any age, teen to adult, would enjoy. I only hope a sequel is in the works!
The witty dialogue and good story line makes this book hard to put down. I really could not stop reading it and was really tired the next day. It's also very satisfying to read about a girl heroine fighting the good fight. --Jeri
Beth, best known for strong heroines in her stories, this story is no exception. It is a tale of righteousness and overcoming adversity including magic. --Robert Mendak "RJ"
The book is a beautiful story about friendship, a heroine, and a quest to kill a dragon. Who wouldn't be excited? The entire concept sounded interesting and I was not at all disappointed. --Brittany, from Goodreads
Beth Barany has made a world where unlikely friendships rule and being a friend means more than you can know. --Tami, from Goodreads

Special Blog Tour Giveaway: Grand Prize
I’ll be giving away 2 signed copies of Henrietta and the Dragon Stone.
<a id="rc-2a406b15" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/2a406b15/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
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I’ll mail you a copy anywhere in the world.
I’ll also give away e-book copies of HYPERLINK "http://bit.ly/Henrietta2"Henrietta and the Dragon Stone at each blog tour stop.

Where to find Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2)
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1jB4AxQ
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1mHPfA4
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1puwOxV
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1puwVJT
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/henrietta-dragon-stone-five/id812548135?mt=11
More at: http://bit.ly/1fsbqR7

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˈē-shə-ˌspȯr, ˈē-sə-\

Definition of AECIOSPORE

:  one of the spores arranged within an aecium in a series like a chain

First Known Use of AECIOSPORE



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, June 09, 2014

Monday Musings: Hummingbirds, warrior birds

Hummingbirds are found only in the western hemisphere, so the only myths about these tiny birds are Native American or South and Central American in origin. Growing up in Southern California and now living in Arizona, I am quite familiar with these fascinating birds.
They are fun to watch, flying and spinning, their tiny wings moving so fast they look like blurs. Hummingbirds don’t sit still for long, and I had a hard time getting some pictures of them, but I was able to capture a female resting on a tree branch. Another hummer hovered by her side. I think that one was a male and they may have been mating. If they aren’t fighting, then they are probably mating. Usually only males fight each other for territory and for females. Hummingbirds are very territorial and fighting can be so vicious, it can lead to death for one the birds.
I’ve always wondered about how fierce hummingbirds can be and then I found an Aztec myth that may explain hummingbirds and their warrior nature.
A warrior named Huitzil led the Aztecs to a new homeland and helped them defend it from enemy warriors. The warrior’s full name was Huitzilopochtli, which means, “hummingbird from the left.” The “left” in Aztec mythology is the deep south, the spirit world. Huitzil was killed at a key moment in the battle. His body disappeared. In the exact place where his body disappeared, a green-backed hummingbird rose up, inspiring his warriors to victory. Huitzil became a god. The Aztecs believed that every warrior killed in battle rose to the sky and orbited the sun for four years. After this, they became hummingbirds. The transformed heroes fed on flowers in the garden of paradise and engaged in mock battles.
To honor these tiny, magnificent birds, Aztecs decorated their ceremonial cloaks with hummingbird feathers. Chieftains wore hummingbird earrings. Aztec priests carried staves with hummingbird feathers to suck evil out of people.
So, the next time you see hummingbirds battling it out in your backyard, remember that they might be the spirits of those ancient Aztec warriors.

More Hummingbird myths: http://hummingbirdworld.com/h/native_american.htm

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Friday, June 06, 2014

Favorite Friday

Favorite TV Show


One of my favorite TV shows is Continuum on SyFy. This is a time travel show where in the grim future corporations are so powerful, they are the government, turning people into slaves. Sound like a familiar, possible scenario? I love how this show takes on some real serious topics like terrorism. I think Continuum is a cautionary tale of what our future might look like if corporations continue to grow more powerful. It’s hard to tell the bad guys from the good guys in the show because I find myself rooting for the supposed bad guys.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˌē-pē-ˈȯr-nəs\

Definition of AEPYORNIS

: elephant bird


New Latin, genus name, from Greek aipys high + ornis bird — more at erne
First Known Use: 1851


 noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)

Any of a group of giant flightless birds in the extinct genusAepyornis, found as fossils in Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene deposits on Madagascar. Most were massively constructed (some stood more than 10 ft, or 3 m, high) and had a small skull and a long slim neck. Remains of aepyornis and its eggs (as large as 3 ft, or 1 m, in circumference) are common. Its ancestry is uncertain.

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Monday, June 02, 2014

Musing Mondays: Moon shots













Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, May 30, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite books is Interview with the Vampire by Ann Rice, which was published in 1993. She created the erotic, sexy vampire well before the sparkly vampires of Twilight. Feel compassion for Louis, the tormented vampire or laugh and fall in love with the capricious Lestat as the author takes you from 1700’s New Orleans to the streets of Paris and then to modern San Francisco. Ms. Rice is a master at re-creating historical settings and what would later become the “sexy” vampire. Highly recommended to fans of vampire romances. The movie was also really good with Tom Cruise and a very sexy, long-haired Brad Pitt. Smile



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tabby's Nocturnal Nights: My biggest frustration as a writer

Tabby's Nocturnal Nights: My biggest frustration as a writer: I think everyone gets frustrated at some point with himself or herself. I’m feeling that way now. After writing and publishing seven books, ...

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˈes-ˌthēt, British usually ˈēs-\

: a person who recognizes and values beauty in art, music, etc.

Full Definition of AESTHETE

:  one having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art

See aesthete defined for English-language learners »

Variants of AESTHETE

aes·thete also es·thete

Examples of AESTHETE

1. He regards art critics as a bunch of pretentious aesthetes.

Origin of AESTHETE

back-formation from aesthetic

First Known Use: 1881


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday Musings: Arizona sunsets









Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, May 23, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite King Arthur movies is Excalibur made in 1981. This is one of the best depictions of the magical King Arthur legend, and introduces a very young and beautiful Helen Mirren as the sorceress Morgana. Highly recommended for fans of Sir Thomas Mallory’s classic.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



adjective \ē-ˈō-lē-ən, ē-ˈōl-yən\

Definition of AEOLIAN


often capitalized :  of or relating to Aeolus


:  giving forth or marked by a moaning or sighing sound or musical tone produced by or as if by the wind

First Known Use of AEOLIAN



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Musings: Taking Aim—Archery

I finally found a hobby/sport that I really love doing—archery. My good friend, who is also a fellow writer, introduced me to it. It’s something we can do together at least once a week and it gets us out of the house.

We both like more traditional target archery without scopes and pulleys. Maybe that’s because we are fantasy writers and like medieval archery. We both write female characters that are archers. Now I can connect better with some of my characters.


I find something meditative about shooting at targets because you have to slow down and take your time to sight the target. The range we use is out in the desert with ravines and beautiful views of the mountains. Archery for me is about getting back to being close to nature and doing something outside instead of being cooped up in front of a laptop all day. I love writing, but I was beginning to lose touch with the outside world. I needed something to do outside.


This is the first time in years that I’ve been excited about something and it feels great to have something to look forward to each week.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, May 16, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite shows is Nashville and I’m not a country fan. The show is realistic in its depiction of the music industry in Nashville. And of course there is the personal drama that keeps viewers tuning in each week. But for me, it’s strangely the music that draws me to this show. The songs are just great. There’s no other way to put it.




Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˈē-ˌdī(-ə)l, ˈē-dəl\

Definition of AEDILE

:  an official in ancient Rome in charge of public works and games, police, and the grain supply

Origin of AEDILE

Latin aedilis, from aedes temple — more at edify

First Known Use: 1538


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, May 12, 2014

Musing Mondays: Spring

Spring is my favorite time of year. The weather is nice and cool, not too hot like in summer, or too cold like in winter. Even our fall can be a bit too warm to enjoy. Spring is perfect. Flowers bloom, bees hum, the quail look for places to nest and my lizards return after winter.


Blacktail, one of the lizards that hangs out in my yard each year is in the upper right corner on the piece of wood. I call him Blacktail because he has a long black tail, which of course can’t be seen here. He was trying to get away from me.



Here is a better shot of Blacktail with his long black tail.



A male Quail looking out for danger for his female that is foraging somewhere below on the ground.



A bird in our Palo Verde tree.



Our Palo Verde tree in full bloom.



Another view of our Palo Verde tree with the blue sky in the background.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, May 09, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite fantasy artists is Julia Fain. She makes jewelry, phone covers, laptop covers and more with ethereal images of fairies, mermaids, dragons, unicorns, animals and people.




Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˌa-də-ˈnī-təs\

Definition of ADENITIS

:  inflammation of a gland; especially : lymphadenitis

Origin of ADENITIS

New Latin

First Known Use: circa 1848


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, May 05, 2014

Musing Mondays: Excerpt from Daughter of Night, Greek myths, fantasy, PG

Excerpt from Daughter of Night:

She waited, cloaked in shadows, until nightfall when the king and his queen slept.

As soon as darkness fell and the palace rang with silence, she emerged from the shadows. A round central hearth fire glowed with warmth, pulsing and flickering across the shadowed room, performing an ancient dance along the floors and painted walls. The king lay in his bed, the fierce warlord looking so vulnerable as he lay sleeping without his armor or weapons. His queen slept next to him instead of in her own quarters in a sign of her devotion. Sighing, she tried to remember what it was like to feel love.

She crept close to his bed, staring down at his sleeping face. Even in sleep, he looked like the mighty warlord that struck fear in his enemies' hearts. His brow wrinkled as if he wrestled with a nightmare. Perhaps he fought a nightmare of the battlefield, which usually struck the minds of warriors. Pressing her hand to his hot forehead, she rid his dreams of nightmares and entered his dreams with promises of victory and power. Removing her hand, she backed away, becoming one with the shadows again.

The king stirred, moaning in his sleep as the nightmares returned.

His queen woke from his stirring and brushed his hair from his forehead. “My love, would that I could remove your nightmares with a gentle stroke,” she whispered.

Watching the tender exchange with a wistful heart, she wondered what to do with the Dactyl’s essence.Which body will I choose to hide it in?

Blurb for Daughter of Night:

Their destiny began in ancient Anatolia.

Becuille is a Daughter of Night and a servant to the Great Goddess, created to wield Her vengeance. Callileon is a prince of the Hatti, who may be the one she was sent to punish.

When love finds them, they are cursed by the gods and surrounded by tragedy, which even the Fates are powerless to change.

Can two mortals fight the will of the gods?

Daughter of Night is available in Print, Kindle, Nook and other ebook formats.

Buy links: http://kelleyheckart.com/daughter_of_night.html



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, May 02, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite book series is the Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte. This is one of the best historical King Arthur series I’ve read. The author did a lot of research to be able to bring to life the King Arthur legend. Highly recommended.

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



adjective \ˌa-dē-ə-ˈba-tik, ˌā-ˌdī-ə-\

Definition of ADIABATIC

:  occurring without loss or gain of heat <adiabatic expansion of a gas>

adi·a·bat·i·cal·ly adverb

See adiabatic defined for kids »


Greek adiabatos impassable, from a- + diabatos passable, from diabainein to go across, from dia- + bainein to go — more at come

First Known Use: 1859


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, April 28, 2014

Musing Mondays: My inspiration for writing historical fantasy romance

I was kind of a strange kid, especially for a girl. I didn’t dream of being a princess getting rescued by a prince. I wanted to be able to take care of myself. My favorite things weren’t dolls or frilly dresses, but swords and forests filled with supernatural creatures like vampires, werewolves and shapeshifting faeries and gods. When I was introduced to myths and characters like Artemis the Huntress, Morrigan the Battle Goddess and the real life, fierce Celtic queen, Boudica, I had found what I was looking for. There are no helpless princesses in this group of females.

My first look into the fascinating world of mythology was in English class when the subject was Greek mythology. I still have my well-worn copy of Edith Hamilton’s Mythology of Greek and Norse myths. I was hooked. Later I became fascinated with the ancient Celts and their myths, most notably King Arthur, the Welsh tales of the Mabinogion and the Irish myths of the Tuatha de Danaan and the Fianna.

My fascination with the ancient Celts has to do with their connection to the faery realm and their mysterious nature—since they were an oral society we really don’t know much about them, but archeological evidence points to a superior society. I like filling in the missing pieces, much like a jigsaw puzzle, and bring to life these long ago, magical places and people that fill our imagination.

All of this inspired me to write historical fantasy. I feel a connection to little known time periods—ancient on up to the Dark Ages, time periods that abound in myth when magic was a real possibility. I can mix my love of the supernatural and mythology with my other love for obscure history and it seems like a natural fit. Otherworldly creatures fit perfectly with time periods that are surrounded in myth and mystery. And when modern life gets too complicated, I look forward to escaping into the places I’ve created.


Kelley’s Links:

Website: http://www.kelleyheckart.com

Blog: http://kelleysrealm.blogspot.com/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/CelticChick

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelley-Heckart/111838455604

Kelley’s Book Shelf/Buy Links: http://kelleyheckart.com/BookShelf.html

Friday, April 25, 2014

Favorite Friday

I’m sharing a favorite band today.


One of my favorite bands is the Icelandic Metal band Nightwish. I like all of their albums with their operatic female vocals and low, rough male vocals. Most of their songs have lyrics related to certain myths, which I like. This is the perfect music for me to write to. One of my favorite songs is Wish I had an Angel. If you like melodic metal then give this band a listen.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ˌa-jə-ˈler-ē-ə, ˌa-dyə-\

Definition of ADULARIA

:  a transparent or translucent orthoclase

Origin of ADULARIA

Italian, from French adulaire, from Adula, Swiss mountain group

First Known Use: 1798


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, April 21, 2014

Musing Mondays: Aphrodite, not the average villain

As the Greek love goddess, most people don’t think of Aphrodite as a villain. That’s why I chose her for my villain in Daughter of Night. She’s actually a much more complicated, powerful goddess then the classical Greek writers would have us think.
The silly, vain Aphrodite that appears in stories written by the classical Greek writers is not a true rendering of this once Great Goddess that was revered on Cyprus. She is comparable to Innana, Hathor, Anat and Ishtar, a love and war goddess. As a fertility goddess, she is a goddess that can give life or take it away. Love and war, life and death. Ancient fertility rites usually involved a human sacrifice, a young man. The tragic story of Adonis, the young shepherd she loved, is associated with the Isis/Osiris legend of Egypt in which the yearly king is sacrificed at the end of his reign.
When the followers of the Sky god (Zeus) invaded Greece, they diminished her status to one of Zeus’s children, but she was really a Titan. Another story of her birth is that she was born when Cronos castrated his father Uranus, but she was really a much older, much more powerful goddess.
I liken her to the Norse god Loki, a bit of a trickster. As my villain, she isn’t evil but she is unpredictable and that’s what makes her so dangerous. My favorite villains are those that aren’t clearly evil, that aren’t intentional about hurting anyone. And as a love and war goddess, Aphrodite fit that profile. In Daughter of Night, Aphrodite is masquerading as the Hittite/Hatti Sun goddess, Arinna. She is trying to find her place in the world again after Zeus and his brothers have taken control of the Heavens, their armies controlling most of Greece. Of course, by trying to gain back her power, she is causing trouble for the other Titans, and mortals.
Excerpt from Daughter of Night, historical fantasy romance, Rated PG
“Well, Prince Callileon,” Arinna said with a forced smile, “this is a pleasant surprise.”
He looked at her, grim-faced. “Do not placate me with false sincerity.”
“Perhaps it is time we made peace with one another. I am in a giving mood today.”
“I need a favor from you.” He fidgeted, obviously embarrassed at having to ask her for a favor.
“I am in a giving mood, but why would I grant you a favor?” She arched her brow, enjoying his discomfort.
The lion let out another gentle roar, settling his hungry gaze on Callileon.
Callileon looked at the lion, unblinking.
“You should never stare down a beast such as this. Fortunate for you I just fed him,” she laughed, her tone mocking.
“I am prepared to offer you something in exchange for the favor.”
“What could you possibly offer me? Look around, I am in need of nothing.” She gestured at her lavish quarters.
“It is not a question of need, but one of desire.” His blue eyes gleamed with cleverness.
No wonder Becuille was so enamored of this mortal, she thought with a hint of envy. He had special gifts. Not only was he handsome, but he also possessed bravery and intelligence.
From within his cloak, he pulled out a sheathed dagger. By the glittering stones on the bronze hilt, she already knew it to be a magical weapon. Unsheathing it, he held up the obsidian blade, smooth and gleaming with power. Her breath caught in her throat.
The lion let out a louder roar.
He raised a brow. “You know what this is, do you not?”
She tried to reach for the dagger, but he held it out of her reach. “First you help me get into the temple to see Inaras, then the dagger is yours.”
“You are a prince, you should be able to get into the temple on your own.” She could not take her eyes off the dagger, knowing its purpose to be to house Celmis's soul. With the special dagger in her possession, she could take him anywhere hidden in different bodies.
“No. Zagros will not allow any non-temple personnel to see her, even me.” Anger filled his eyes. “The king is concerned with other matters so I cannot appeal to him. I need to see her now and he cannot bar you entry to the temple. You are temple personnel.”
“Much to his dismay, that is true.” She wanted the dagger. “I will get you into the temple.” Her thoughts turned over, scheming and filled with mischief. She called for Briena. “Find a dress that will fit the prince.”
He gave her a questioning look.
“If you want into the temple, you will have to disguise yourself as a female,” she said, unable to hide her smirk.
“You are enjoying this too much I think.” He looked down at himself. “I doubt I will make a convincing female.”
“Oh, you would be surprised, my young prince,” she laughed.
Briena stuffed his muscled body into the largest dress she could find, placing two round apples over his chest for breasts. The slave girl stifled a laugh and Callileon stared hard at her. She put red ochre on his lips and cheeks and rimmed his eyes with kohl.
The young prince twitched beneath the sharp reed, drawing an amused smile from Arinna. The barbaric Achaean would not be familiar with the kohl reed.
“Do not move or you will lose your eye,” Briena said with caution, dipping the reed into the jar to gather more of the black powder to finish his eyes.
He moved his hand up toward his eyes.
“Do not touch your eyes,” Briena said.
“They burn,” he said, frowning.
“The feeling will go away.”
Arinna studied him with a critical eye. “Well, he is not the most graceful female I have seen, but he is quite comely.” She smiled with amusement.
Briena stifled a laugh behind her hand.
Glowering, he pulled on a hooded cloak, drawing the hood over his face.
Daughter of Night: Two mortals are caught up in the battle between the Titans and Olympian gods.
Buy links for Daughter of Night:
Mundania Press (in ebook formats and trade paperback):
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Daughter-Of-Night-ebook/dp/B008OCANEO/ref=sr_1_14?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343182822&sr=1-14&keywords=kelley+heckart
Barnes & Noble Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/daughter-of-night-kelley-heckart/1112220212?ean=2940015001952
Buy links on author website: http://kelleyheckart.com/daughter_of_night.html
Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Friday, April 18, 2014

Favorite Friday

I’m sharing a favorite TV show today.

Bitten on the SyFy Channel

I look forward to this show each week. Based on a novel series, this paranormal romance show is fun to watch. I like Elena—the main female character and only werewolf among a bunch of males. How fun is that? And boy, some of these male werewolves hot, especially Clay. The only thing that bugs me about this series is Elena is the only female werewolf because supposedly females are too weak to survive the transformation process. WTF? Females are too weak? Females were created to survive the terrible pain of childbirth. I’d like to see any male survive birthing a baby. The premise about females being too weak to survive is stupid, but the idea of female werewolves being rare makes for some good conflict.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



adverb or adjective \ə-ˈdä-j(ē-ˌ)ō, ä-, -zh(ē-ˌ)ō\

: in a slow manner

Full Definition of ADAGIO

:  at a slow tempo —used chiefly as a direction in music

See adagio defined for English-language learners »

See adagio defined for kids »

Origin of ADAGIO

Italian, from ad to + agio ease

First Known Use: 1683


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, April 14, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Favorite Friday

I’m sharing a favorite TV show today.

Vikings on the History Channel


I love this show. It is fast-paced and compelling to me. Finally, someone who gets what the Vikings were—family men and women, farmers—normal people. Sure, they invaded England and killed people and stole treasure—some of the Vikings were cold-blooded killers, but most of them were not. My favorite character is the Shield-Maiden Lagertha. She stands up for her beliefs and doesn’t let anyone or any man walk all over her. There is a lot of eye candy for me—muscular men with long hair. Smile One thing I really like about this show is how authentic the settings and people look. They look like they make their clothes out of animal skins. The women wear little or no makeup. Highly recommended.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday


1ad ho·mi·nem

adjective \(ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem, -nəm\

Definition of AD HOMINEM

:  appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

Origin of AD HOMINEM

New Latin, literally, to the person

First Known Use: 1598

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Monday, April 07, 2014

Musing Mondays: How to deal with hard to pronounce names in fiction

I read and write books that sometimes have names or terms that are difficult for the average reader to pronounce. If I am writing a story set in a particular time period with real people I am using as characters, strange and difficult names cannot be avoided. I realize this can cause some aggravation for readers and for that, I apologize. But I can’t change historical names.
Since I’ve been reading fantasy and historical fiction most of my life, I have come across more than a few names I couldn’t pronounce. This was before you could Google a random name and probably find the correct pronunciation online. Anyway, I came up with a way to make it easier to read the book without driving myself crazy. I came up with my own way to pronounce the name or word and don’t worry if I am using the correct pronunciation. It’s easy to do and doesn’t throw me out of the story.
As an example, here are two names from Daughter of Night:
King Suppiluliuma: This one is a tough name to pronounce so what I did whenever I came across this name in my book was simply pronounce it like this—Sup il luma.
Becuille: This one is a little tricky so I pronounce this name like this—Be keel.
So, the next time you come across a name or word you can’t pronounce in a book, try this technique instead of giving up on the story.

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Two mortals are caught in the midst of the battle between the Titans and Olympian gods.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Favorite Friday

I’m sharing a favorite book today.

The Werelord Thal, A Renaissance werewolf tale

I picked this book because it looked different—set in an unusual place and time period and not like every werewolf story I see. Set in the 1500s in Prague, I found this story interesting and hope this is part of a series because the end left me wondering about Thal’s origins. This was a time when anyone “different” was considered a witch and killed. A lot of innocent people suffered terrible deaths because of this misguided thinking. The only thing that bugged me was the editing could have been better. I found myself pausing many times in places where commas should have been inserted. But overall this was a good book with an engaging story and characters to keep my interest. Highly recommended to readers looking for a different kind of werewolf tale.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ə-ˈsā-kē-ə, ä-\

Definition of ACEQUIA


:  an irrigation ditch or canal

Origin of ACEQUIA

Spanish, from Arabic al-sāqiya the irrigation ditch

First Known Use: 1844


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, March 31, 2014

Musing Mondays: Pets in our lives

My two boys. It’s strange how pets come into our lives, usually when you don’t expect it. After we lost Xena, we decided to wait until Herc passed before getting another dog, mainly because he doesn’t get along with other dogs. But when we started pet sitting my niece’s Chihuahua, we discovered how well he fit right into our family, and Herc tolerated him just fine. As if it was meant to be, Loki soon became a permanent part of our family. With his lively personality, he fills that hole left when Xena died.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tabby's Nocturnal Nights: Shapeshifting rules

Tabby's Nocturnal Nights: Shapeshifting rules: There are different ways to handle the laws of shapeshifting. I’ve read books where clothes can magically appear when shifting from animal t...

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite animals is the wolf so I will buy just about anything with a wolf on it. I found this cool wolf pendant.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \ak-ˈsi-pə-tər, ik-\

Definition of ACCIPITER

:  any of a genus (Accipiter) of medium-sized forest-inhabiting hawks that have short broad wings and a long tail and a characteristic flight pattern of several quick flaps and a glide

ac·cip·i·trine adjective or noun

See accipiter defined for kids »


New Latin, genus name, from Latin, hawk

First Known Use: circa 1828


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, March 24, 2014

Musing Mondays: Aftermath of winter thunderstorm in AZ


We have some dramatic thunderstorms here in Arizona. I caught this rainbow by accident. You can even see the raindrops that hit my camera lens.


A sunset just after the thunderstorm that blew through our town in March.


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Friday, March 21, 2014

Favorite Friday

One of my favorite new shows is Helix on SyFy. Set in a research building the Arctic (I think or one of those barren, show-covered places), this show has a stark appearance, which adds to the frightening nature of the story. The music soundtrack choices also add to this atmosphere—songs like Fever and other music that I think of as elevator music are played in just the right, odd places, so that a sexy lighthearted song is played during a terrifying or serious scene. Experiments with viruses have been going on in secret and something has gone wrong so the CDC has to be called in to help find a cure. But what is more frightening than the virus is the people in charge of the experiments. They want to change the world and there is something odd about them—are they aliens or some superior race? A lot of secrets and interesting characters make this a show I look forward to each week so I hope it lasts.



Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stealing His Heart by Ella Jade

I have romance author Ella Jade here at my blog today promoting her new erotic romance release with a blog tour. She is giving away some prizes to three lucky winners.

Thanks so much for hosting me today. I’m thrilled to announce the release of my newest erotic, contemporary romance Stealing His Heart. If you like your men hot, dirty and southern, I may have just the thing for you.


When the players take the field this spring come meet my players...


Will the bad-boy pitcher strike out when it comes to love?

Shy music teacher Sophia Ballis has sworn off men. After a bad experience with a college jock she decided it was better to be alone than to get burned again. She focused on her education and now her new job at a local private school.

Professional baseball pitcher Paxton Hughes is a player both on and off the field. He's signed to the Kingston Crushers to bring home the coveted championship title. Nothing can get in his way. Serious relationships don't mix with a life on the road and he never loses focus on the game. One-night stands are his specialty for a reason.

While out jogging one spring morning, the two collide, setting their course in motion. Pax is immediately drawn to the unassuming beauty. Sophia is aware of his reputation and decides one night of meaningless sex with the attractive Texas charmer is just what she needs to get over her self-imposed dry spell. Pax has more than a one-night stand on his mind, but will his bad-boy persona and demanding schedule ruin any chances of a happily ever after?

Content Warning: contains explicit sex and adult content

Beachwalk Press Buy Link




“Can I walk you to your car?”

“Thank you.” Sophia got up from the table and took his hand. “I’m parked right out front.”

Pax led her across the dance floor, waving to the few people who were left, and then out to the parking lot.

“It’s that one.” She pointed to her beat-up car, the one she’d bought her freshman year of college. It was used then but it still managed to get her where she needed to go. “Probably not as nice as what you drive.”

He leaned her against the car and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her heart pounded hard against her chest, strumming loud between her ears. She could smell the beer that lingered on his breath. His hazel eyes narrowed as he swiped the tip of his tongue along his top lip before tilting his head.

“I have a feeling I’m going be seeing you in my dreams tonight.” He sighed as he brought his mouth to hers. “Give me something to remember these next few days.”

She nodded as she placed her hands on his broad shoulders and guided him to her, closing any space between them. When his warm lips touched hers, she thought she would explode. A burn coursed through her and settled between her legs. The mild tingling she’d experienced when they danced was nothing compared to the intensity she felt now.

As he deepened the kiss, his tongue massaged hers. Increasing his hold on her hips, he pinned her between the car and his massive thighs. She tightened her grip on him when his erection grazed her center. Every nerve ending in her begged to be satiated. The ache inside her stomach moved lower until the dampness invaded her panties. Her nipples poked against the thin material of her silk bra.

When she moaned into his mouth, he placed one last kiss on her lips before pulling away. He looked at her for a moment, pressing his forehead to hers, as he stuttered a few words.

“That was...well, I’ve never...” He ran his fingers through his hair. “You have me tongue-tied, sugar. That doesn’t happen often.”

Now she wanted to know what else he could do with that tongue.

“You best get in that car and drive away before I...”

She’d never wanted to have a one-night stand more than she did at that very moment. Maggie had said if there was ever a guy to have one with, Pax would be the one. He was a no-strings-attached player. Why hadn’t he asked her to go home with him?

“Be safe driving home.” He reached for the handle and opened her door. “You have some sweet dreams. I know I sure will.”

Sleep? That was the last thing on her mind.


About Ella


Ella Jade has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a child, she often had a notebook and pen with her, and now as an adult, the laptop is never far. The plots and dialogue have always played out in her head, but she never knew what to do with them. That all changed when she discovered the eBook industry. She started penning novels at a rapid pace and now she can't be stopped.

Ella resides in New Jersey with her husband and two young boys. When she's not chasing after her kids, she's busy writing, attending PTO meetings, kickboxing, and scrapbooking. She hopes you'll get lost in her words.

You can connect with her at:

Blog: http://ellajadeauthor.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ella-Jade-Author/186959391390708?ref=hl

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ellajade1



I’m giving away a Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitizer, A Keychain with the cover art and signed swag to three winners throughout the tour. Enter here...

<a id="rc-6c6c725" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6c6c725/

" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>

<script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll consider adding Stealing His Heart to your TBR pile.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Weird Word Wednesday



noun \(ˌ)ä-ˌchä-kə-ˈtu̇r-ə\

Definition of ACCIACCATURA

:  a discordant note sounded with a principal note or chord and immediately released


Italian, literally, crushing

First Known Use: circa 1819


Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author






Monday, March 17, 2014

The importance of well-developed characters

I love to read. I’ve been an avid reader since age 4. I enjoy reading different genres, but one element I require in the books I like is lifelike characters, the kind that jump off the page and either make you love them or hate them. The important thing is the characters have to make me feel something for them. If not, I don’t enjoy the book. I like a good plot, but it’s more important to me to have interesting, convincing characters.

How does an author create credible, three-dimensional characters? By showing the characters’ feelings through actions and natural dialogue. By creating real, flawed fictional people, not cookie-cutter, perfect ones. I want the people I read about to laugh, cry, bleed—to act like real people. In real life, people aren’t perfect. They do stupid things. They hurt each other. I want to believe the characters are real and suffering as well as celebrating.

Making character charts and creating backgrounds for characters can help shape them into real people with believable motivations. Authors need to know their characters well so they can bring them to life. I’ve even assigned Sun signs to characters to get an idea of their personalities. Sometimes I create characters based on people I have known. Stories are so much better when the characters stand out. For me, character development is the most important part of a story.

Kelley Heckart, Historical fantasy romance author




